Oh Christmas Cards, oh Christmas cards, how can it be Christmas without you? I love Cards, whether they are Christmas, birthday, hi how are you, I just love getting those pieces of card stock that someone took the time to make or buy and send. I haven't been such a good sender these past couple years of Christmas cards, but I always think of them. A lot of people on my card list I might only hear from once a year at Christmas, and if i don't get a card, I wonder about them. Are they OK? did they move, what's going on? sometimes I only sign names, but I usually try to write something personal. Even if I put the "standard" letter with the card, I still try to personalize it. Sending true greetings is fading in our society.
Not so many years ago, I used to sell supplies for making cards and scrapbook pages. I taught lots of little classes on making extra things as well- gift boxes, gift items, some of my favorites were the handles for marshmallow roasters. Regardless, fewer people make cards, and even fewer people seem to send greeting cards. I know because my mailbox is empty but my email has electronic cards in it. These are OK for when you forget and want someone to know your thinking of them. But it will never be equal to a real card.
So in time for the holidays, I've got my my letters written and cards signed. Tomorrow its off to the post office for stamps and mailing a 2 packages. I love that these packages will be a surprise to the recipients. Isn't that great? Not expecting anything and a little surprise will great them in a few days. May you get your holiday greetings out soon, however you like to do them.
13 December 2011
06 December 2011
December brings so much at once!
Isn't it amazing how we look forward all year to December? I love it because there's extra time with my family- my daughter and hubs. She is flying in the 19th. Not so many days away now. I want to have things all decorated for her. Last year we didnt' decorate because we were selling the house. We never put up a big tree or anything. This year, its going to be all out, even dragging stuff out of storage if I have to. I want to have some cookies made &(frozen) so we can sit and decorate them together and get a chance to chat a lot. The shopping mostly done, since we aren't doing much this year, things are tight just like everyone else. We do need to sell this house, but not trying agian til spring. We do have plans to go see the burlesque nutcracker. Every year since Miss P was 3 we've done the traditional Nutcracker. she was watching it, then she was in it. This is the first year she isn't performing in one. So for something different we're going to see a different take on it.
I have been crocheting some things for her, but I can't post them on here yet. I made her an interesting piece for her birthday, but it was going to cost 60 dollars ot mail, so its waiting here for her to come home. I have something else on my hook for her for Christmas as well, but no pics at the moments but its a lovely cashmere& silk yarn.
I'm starting my job with the YMCA teaching in January. I've already been doing some trainings for them, and meeting some great people who will make up the health and fitness staff as well as some people who will be in membership. It's going to be a fun place. I never really wanted to work in a traditional gym because they aren't all that inviting most of them time. But this facility has a lot to offer. Can you tell I'm jazzed? oooh wee! few jobs have made me excited like this.
well to keep it short I will be off but hope to post again soon!
I have been crocheting some things for her, but I can't post them on here yet. I made her an interesting piece for her birthday, but it was going to cost 60 dollars ot mail, so its waiting here for her to come home. I have something else on my hook for her for Christmas as well, but no pics at the moments but its a lovely cashmere& silk yarn.
I'm starting my job with the YMCA teaching in January. I've already been doing some trainings for them, and meeting some great people who will make up the health and fitness staff as well as some people who will be in membership. It's going to be a fun place. I never really wanted to work in a traditional gym because they aren't all that inviting most of them time. But this facility has a lot to offer. Can you tell I'm jazzed? oooh wee! few jobs have made me excited like this.
well to keep it short I will be off but hope to post again soon!
08 October 2011
Happy October & 50/50
I love October. It promises crisp fall nights, leaves in changing colors, pumpkins on the porch, silly costumes, creativity for those who make their own costumes- my family always did, and the smell of warm apples and cinnamon.
Years ago when I lived in Southern California, we used to go the apple farms, and pick up apples, and cider, and come home and make fresh apple butter, apple pie or apple crisp, sauteed apples served with quiche or pork chops. I loved the smell of the dry air, and the cooler weather that came at the end of fall.
I'm yearning for a trip to get apples and the smells of memories.
As for today we went and saw the movie 50/50. It was really quite brilliant, and so funny in many parts. Seth Rogan has a language that is not comfortable for all to listen to, but he was pretty funny all the same. I'm not giving away anything but I will tell, because you are watching someone who has cancer, the tears will flow, and it doesn't matter what sex you are.
I hope you get a chance to see it.
I will leave you with this statement I overheard: 10 years ago there was Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Today we have no jobs, no hope and no cash. Isn't that how it feels?
Years ago when I lived in Southern California, we used to go the apple farms, and pick up apples, and cider, and come home and make fresh apple butter, apple pie or apple crisp, sauteed apples served with quiche or pork chops. I loved the smell of the dry air, and the cooler weather that came at the end of fall.
I'm yearning for a trip to get apples and the smells of memories.
As for today we went and saw the movie 50/50. It was really quite brilliant, and so funny in many parts. Seth Rogan has a language that is not comfortable for all to listen to, but he was pretty funny all the same. I'm not giving away anything but I will tell, because you are watching someone who has cancer, the tears will flow, and it doesn't matter what sex you are.
I hope you get a chance to see it.
I will leave you with this statement I overheard: 10 years ago there was Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Today we have no jobs, no hope and no cash. Isn't that how it feels?
27 September 2011
Pumpkin shortage?
Fall is officially upon us and the pumpkins are sitting out at the grocery stores. This year they're saying there may be a shortage of the lovely squash. So I thought I better get around to using some fresh ones that are out there, and probably stock up on some canned pumkin for later in the winter. I've post this recipe before but I like to revisit it now and then.
1 sugar pumpkin med size cut in half seeds removed, and roast with meat side down on foil lined baking sheet. I cook at 400 degrees for about and hour ortil the meat is very tender.
1 can of light coconut milk
1 Tbsp approximately of mild red curry paste
1 16 oz can of chicken broth ( you can use more if soup is too thick)
additional, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 - 1/2 tsp coriander-ground, cayenne to taste, if you don't like ginger or coriander, not a big deal if you don't add extra.
about a quarter of finely chopped onion.
(seasoning is so up to individual, I try to not use much salt, as it is usually in the chix broth.)
Put all the ingredients into soup pan, and heat, I use and immersion blender to smooth out the pumpkin, be careful to not splash your self, or use the blender before heating the liquid. You could also put half the mixture into a regular blender and repeat with 2nd part.
Once it is all heated through serve with some yummy whole wheat french bread, and a side salad.
1 sugar pumpkin med size cut in half seeds removed, and roast with meat side down on foil lined baking sheet. I cook at 400 degrees for about and hour ortil the meat is very tender.
1 can of light coconut milk
1 Tbsp approximately of mild red curry paste
1 16 oz can of chicken broth ( you can use more if soup is too thick)
additional, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 - 1/2 tsp coriander-ground, cayenne to taste, if you don't like ginger or coriander, not a big deal if you don't add extra.
about a quarter of finely chopped onion.
(seasoning is so up to individual, I try to not use much salt, as it is usually in the chix broth.)
Put all the ingredients into soup pan, and heat, I use and immersion blender to smooth out the pumpkin, be careful to not splash your self, or use the blender before heating the liquid. You could also put half the mixture into a regular blender and repeat with 2nd part.
Once it is all heated through serve with some yummy whole wheat french bread, and a side salad.
02 September 2011
The Visa is here, so watch out London here she comes!
This summer has been all about getting my daughter ready for her move to London to go to school this month. Most anguishing was the visa application, and monies that needed to be provided up front. But the approval for the visa was emailed and the passport and supporting papers arrived today. A huge relief as her tickets to depart are the 16th of this month.
We've been trying to do as much as possible to get her ready for this move from the states. Unfortunately, things like banking & phone service have to be done there and in person. There a few items on the list of to do's to be done over the next week forms, transfers etc. But we couldn't do them until we had the visa.
But we have managed to get housing and roommates through the school. There's a few questions to be answered there, but its done. Then we've been doing the last minute shopping for necessities, as american dollars don't quite as far in England as they do here. But she is limited by the 2 suitcase rule, so we have 2 large suitcases and she has a back pack to wear and that's it. She gets to come home at Christmas for a few weeks, but will go back until late summer. Because of the 2012 Olympics we aren't sure she will come home this summer. It is a very major adjustment for all of us. No quick trips like I was able to arrange to/from San Francisco. Thank goodness for Skype!
We've been trying to do as much as possible to get her ready for this move from the states. Unfortunately, things like banking & phone service have to be done there and in person. There a few items on the list of to do's to be done over the next week forms, transfers etc. But we couldn't do them until we had the visa.
But we have managed to get housing and roommates through the school. There's a few questions to be answered there, but its done. Then we've been doing the last minute shopping for necessities, as american dollars don't quite as far in England as they do here. But she is limited by the 2 suitcase rule, so we have 2 large suitcases and she has a back pack to wear and that's it. She gets to come home at Christmas for a few weeks, but will go back until late summer. Because of the 2012 Olympics we aren't sure she will come home this summer. It is a very major adjustment for all of us. No quick trips like I was able to arrange to/from San Francisco. Thank goodness for Skype!
29 July 2011
What a difference a day makes or 8
Wow you know the saying "what a difference a day makes?" Well after my last series of IV Iron shots 8 of them in a row, I can say What a difference 8 days make. I finished my series of shots and about 4 days later I felt so much improved, and being able to finish a whole class of zumba workout, or my weight training class without stopping and without running out of breath. In fact one class I've been taking I want to drop because it seems so slow now, but my friends are there and I will probably continue with it for that reason. We have training class for Zumba instructors next weekend, and I'm so looking forward to it. Choreography isn't my high point but If I'm putting it together I can probably do it ok. I've been taking from 3 different teachers and they are all different and have different quirks- good and bad. Em will be great, she never struggles with choreography have been a dancer for the last 16 years. It's just like dooing another show to her. I think her challenge will be calling out steps, as you go along, since that's not what shes used to.
Counting the days until my vacation, and hoping that my iron holds through to the end of it all. I would be so sad to get the island and not be able to snorkle, swim and hit the Zip line this time.
Ever since we've moved to this house I've had one health issue after the next, starting with Melanoma, severe depression, injuring my back, injuring my shoulder, struggling with severe anemia. When this place sells and we get out of here,I will be so glad to say good bye and hope the next place has better memories. Unfortunately I don't think I will be out of here anytime soon.
We are having some lovely days- 2 in a row of weather in the mid 70's. For seattle these days thats a reason to jump up and scream happy things.
So I'm off to get out into that sun. Have a good weekend.
Counting the days until my vacation, and hoping that my iron holds through to the end of it all. I would be so sad to get the island and not be able to snorkle, swim and hit the Zip line this time.
Ever since we've moved to this house I've had one health issue after the next, starting with Melanoma, severe depression, injuring my back, injuring my shoulder, struggling with severe anemia. When this place sells and we get out of here,I will be so glad to say good bye and hope the next place has better memories. Unfortunately I don't think I will be out of here anytime soon.
We are having some lovely days- 2 in a row of weather in the mid 70's. For seattle these days thats a reason to jump up and scream happy things.
So I'm off to get out into that sun. Have a good weekend.
21 July 2011
Working on my daughters Visa
Ack! working on the visa for student to England with my daughter.
She filled out all the paperwork and then comes to me, I need these things: birth certificate, even though she has her passport, high school diploma, and oh yeah one must show the entire years tuition and living expenses in the bank account for 30 days prior to visa application or the loan papers. No problem I always have a spare thirty thousand upfront. I understand the thought behind it, but really? We've been trying to not take loans out for her education if possible. Last year she spent part of her college money while living in San Francisco and attending the conservatory there. To show we had the moneys we had to withdraw from our 401K; I hate that, since we took it as a loan from ourselves we aren't paying taxes on it, but still it loses its earning potential during that time. Then the lovey Visa ask for your address while in country. Unfortunately- we don't have that yet. But hopefully the housing officer will be able to help us out on that. It says you can list the person helping you, and that will have to be satisfactory this time.
I know I'm being a little whiney about it. But part of that I think is the fact that I know I'm sending my only off to live so FAR away from home, and unlike when she lived in San Francisco, I don't think there will be a lot of trips in-between home and school for either of us. The poster above actually really has meaning right now in my life as we go through this process. FYI - Do you know the history of the Keep Calm poster? produced in 1939 for the British government to uplift the moral of the British peoples as they were facing World War 2. It was one of three different messages produced and hung throughout the country. Found in a bookshop in 2000, it has again become popular, and had many variations of it produced. Just a little tidbit for you today.
She filled out all the paperwork and then comes to me, I need these things: birth certificate, even though she has her passport, high school diploma, and oh yeah one must show the entire years tuition and living expenses in the bank account for 30 days prior to visa application or the loan papers. No problem I always have a spare thirty thousand upfront. I understand the thought behind it, but really? We've been trying to not take loans out for her education if possible. Last year she spent part of her college money while living in San Francisco and attending the conservatory there. To show we had the moneys we had to withdraw from our 401K; I hate that, since we took it as a loan from ourselves we aren't paying taxes on it, but still it loses its earning potential during that time. Then the lovey Visa ask for your address while in country. Unfortunately- we don't have that yet. But hopefully the housing officer will be able to help us out on that. It says you can list the person helping you, and that will have to be satisfactory this time.
I know I'm being a little whiney about it. But part of that I think is the fact that I know I'm sending my only off to live so FAR away from home, and unlike when she lived in San Francisco, I don't think there will be a lot of trips in-between home and school for either of us. The poster above actually really has meaning right now in my life as we go through this process. FYI - Do you know the history of the Keep Calm poster? produced in 1939 for the British government to uplift the moral of the British peoples as they were facing World War 2. It was one of three different messages produced and hung throughout the country. Found in a bookshop in 2000, it has again become popular, and had many variations of it produced. Just a little tidbit for you today.
13 July 2011
I can hardly believe its the 13 of july!
July 13th is my youngest brothers birthday. Its so difficult to imagine that he is 45 this year. In my mind I still see him as a teenager most of the time, despite that he has served his country in the army, and raised a beautiful daughter. Perhaps that is because we all lived at home at the time, and when you move out you feel like everything with your parents stops growing. I don't know. he's the handsome one on the right with blonde hair and blue shirt. My other brother turned 47 on the 9th of July. This picture of the 3 of us was taken in November last year.
Oh how time has flown since my last post. I've been working on several new hats for my etsy shop. I will be posting these later tomorrow probably. Trying to find a decent day for photos. Meanwhile my basket is getting fuller. I'm hoping to make arrangements with a local photographer to get photos in trade of some stock. I did send a few off to a another photographer, but I haven't had any pictures returned yet. Makes me sad, as I hoped to see something soon.
Fourth of July was lovely, the weather was perfect, and we had friends over as did my daughter. We still are able to set personal fireworks off so that was mandatory with my daughter and friends. It was fun. We made some delicious white sangria, fortified with apple brandy. It was lovely along with the other 3 bottles of white wine we all managed to consume.
Miss em finally got a seasonal job for the summer. She will have about 2 months of work and looks like they are giving her about 20 hours a week. So things are good. Now just finalizing the visa /money situation. ugh. Why do foreign countries think you have and entire years of living expenses and tuition sitting around in your bank account ahead of time? Were working ti all out, but it does crimp a thing or too until the visa is processed.
My project this week has been a hooded scarf that is fabulous. Its called the Enchanted hooded scarf by Karen 'abegglen and can be found at www.ballofyarn.etsy.com
I love the romantic look of this piece and the scarf is long and wide, and the yarn is so soft and cozy. My daughter will be taking this London with her for the damp and cold winter. She already keeps petting it and just a few more rows and it will be time sew it together and get a photo or too. Mine is done in a color called "parfait" and looks good with ginger hair.
Oh how time has flown since my last post. I've been working on several new hats for my etsy shop. I will be posting these later tomorrow probably. Trying to find a decent day for photos. Meanwhile my basket is getting fuller. I'm hoping to make arrangements with a local photographer to get photos in trade of some stock. I did send a few off to a another photographer, but I haven't had any pictures returned yet. Makes me sad, as I hoped to see something soon.
Fourth of July was lovely, the weather was perfect, and we had friends over as did my daughter. We still are able to set personal fireworks off so that was mandatory with my daughter and friends. It was fun. We made some delicious white sangria, fortified with apple brandy. It was lovely along with the other 3 bottles of white wine we all managed to consume.
Miss em finally got a seasonal job for the summer. She will have about 2 months of work and looks like they are giving her about 20 hours a week. So things are good. Now just finalizing the visa /money situation. ugh. Why do foreign countries think you have and entire years of living expenses and tuition sitting around in your bank account ahead of time? Were working ti all out, but it does crimp a thing or too until the visa is processed.
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From the www.ballofyarn.etsy.com |
I love the romantic look of this piece and the scarf is long and wide, and the yarn is so soft and cozy. My daughter will be taking this London with her for the damp and cold winter. She already keeps petting it and just a few more rows and it will be time sew it together and get a photo or too. Mine is done in a color called "parfait" and looks good with ginger hair.
22 June 2011
The sweater is FINISHED!
Finally finished and blocked the sweater I've been working on for my daughter. The pattern is a Doris Chan's September Morn Jacket/vest. She designed it using a Tahki cotton classic lite mercerized cotton. I used Panama which is a cotton, linen, viscose blend, by Rowan yarns. The button is made by crocheting over a plastic circle.
Since my flat pictures weren't showing much detail I threw it on the mannequin I use for tutu's. I didn't get it on perfectly which shows more in these type of photos. This is the first time I've made an adult size sweater. I love the weight of this garment.
Again, it would have been so much nice to have pics of her in it, instead of the mannequin where it hangs up on every little thing being the lacy nature of it.
08 June 2011
HOW do you get your house sold?
ARGH a little pirate speak here. So frustrated on trying to get our house sold. My realtor sent me a note saying that very few buyers are coming to the area overall. We have gone through and re- stage several things, to improve the overall look. The house is spotless. I'm actually considering painting the kitchen but no sure if I will. Now that the weather is improving, we are working out in the yard. I saw something that I found interesting on Today. They suggested having 2 realtor's(from the same office) work for you, the one that sells it, gets the commission. I'm seriously looking at this as a possibility if our house doesn't sell within the current contract. I did send my realtor a note saying that at the end of the summer, we would probably take it off the market for a bit, so it didn't continue to look like a toad. I mean if there's a fairy princess out there to give it a kiss by all means stop by and do your magic. Does anyone have any good ideas for attracting buyers?
25 May 2011
whats new off the hook?
Well did you watch the last episode of Oprah? I was not a big follower of her program but thought it interesting to hear her talk about the audience and what they meant to her over the years. I was busy cleaning while it was on. So really just caught snippets. One thing I kept hearing her mention was her gratitude journal, another was how people think things will make them happy and how they find out that those "things" don't make them happier when they own them. That particular thought made me laugh, considering how many give aways she did. Oh well enough of that.
Here are a couple pics of what just came off my hook this week.
These booties still need buttons, and the color is a bit off but they are made from Caron Spa bamboo blend. I love the feel of this yarn and its easy to work with. I made a similar pair for a custom order. While I was carrying them around to give to the client, I got so many comments, I decided to make a second pair in the same color. .
I then put together these hats last night. This one is made with Tahki yarn. Its the one with the melon, and blue colors, and short fringe top. The pattern was purchased from Sunset crochet. My camera has been most disagreeable with color and lighting these days.
The second hat was a made from a hand spun and dyed yarn I purchased on Etsy. It had huge differences in the yarn from lace weight to chunky. It was difficult at first to work with, but I think it came out alright. The most interesting thing was the Tahki yarn was 60 yards, which was just enough to make the hat but no trim. The hand spun was 90 yards, and provided the extra for the braid, but I wish their had been less lace weight and a bit more chunky in the yarn.
Here are a couple pics of what just came off my hook this week.
These booties still need buttons, and the color is a bit off but they are made from Caron Spa bamboo blend. I love the feel of this yarn and its easy to work with. I made a similar pair for a custom order. While I was carrying them around to give to the client, I got so many comments, I decided to make a second pair in the same color. .
I then put together these hats last night. This one is made with Tahki yarn. Its the one with the melon, and blue colors, and short fringe top. The pattern was purchased from Sunset crochet. My camera has been most disagreeable with color and lighting these days.
I took this at about 1 am, so I didn't mess with it all, just plopped it on here.
They use a huge hook size N, I'm so used to using much smaller, b or c size usually but these were so quick to do. If I had more yarn I would have probably done more. I will get better pictures so I can put them on my etsy shop. Its really much better looking than the current photo shows. Theres and interesting mix of colors in the 2nd hat. I did play with "pom pom" this morning twisting and knotting the ends. The second hat was a made from a hand spun and dyed yarn I purchased on Etsy. It had huge differences in the yarn from lace weight to chunky. It was difficult at first to work with, but I think it came out alright. The most interesting thing was the Tahki yarn was 60 yards, which was just enough to make the hat but no trim. The hand spun was 90 yards, and provided the extra for the braid, but I wish their had been less lace weight and a bit more chunky in the yarn.
19 May 2011
keep it or throw it out
Yep that's the question... Keep it or throw it out? I'm in such a mood at the moment that my garage is in danger. Our neighborhood has one of its 3 community yard sales this Friday and Saturday. I would have over half my garage out there if I wasnt' overbooked those 2 days. I have to work Saturday, and I have to work Friday plus make two separate trips to the airport. I've been slowly trying to go through things out there for the last year, but right now, I'm feeling like dragging it all to the dump and be finished with it. I live in 3200 sq ft home. I would like to move to a home that's about 1/2 the size we have now. 2 bedrooms would be sufficient, as long as it has a patio and a dining room for entertaining. I've been good I really don't run useful things to the dump, I take them to a charity station for donation. But all the old papers and files, those drive me nuts. I always feel like I need to go through them just in case something important is tucked in there. Occasionally its been true something important is hiding in the wrong place.
I have a stack of bags to go to goodwill, scrapbook paper and rubber stamps from when I use to sell these at home parties, Tupperware I no longer use. Oh and list of other items.
I have a stack of bags to go to goodwill, scrapbook paper and rubber stamps from when I use to sell these at home parties, Tupperware I no longer use. Oh and list of other items.
18 May 2011
My beloved Brother Ult 2003
Oh my beloved Brother Ult 2003 sewing machine had a giant hiccup this morning while I was working on a prom dress for a friends daughter. I thought I was going to die. It's so darn expensive to take in for service, its like taking a car in for a tune up. Fortunately I have two other machines in storage, but it meant I would have to take the brother into the service center and drive to the storage which is where we plan to move, not where we live now.
When I took the machine in, explained the issues, the woman says, "Have you considered upgrading to a new machine that uses usb sticks instead of disk?" Oh sure, the 5000 my husband spent 7 years ago isn't enough for you? I said no, I would love that option, but my husband bought this after I bought a basic 400 dollar brother machine that did embroidery- he went to look for a disk for me with alphabet on it, and traded it in and got the bigger machine. I don't think I would trade it in quite yet. One of my other machines is a New home that he bought the year my daughter was born- 20 years ago. Its a real work horse and I love it. What it doesn't have is a automatic thread cutter, or the needle position stop up or down. But I have built dozens of tutu's, and costumes on it, taken it all over the place, and it keeps chugging. There's something to be said for non computerized machines. I was always glad to up grade from my mom's black singer because I wanted something just a bit nicer. My New home which was taken over by Janome was/is the best. For the more fancy stuff and embroidery I love my Brother. So off to storage I go........
When I took the machine in, explained the issues, the woman says, "Have you considered upgrading to a new machine that uses usb sticks instead of disk?" Oh sure, the 5000 my husband spent 7 years ago isn't enough for you? I said no, I would love that option, but my husband bought this after I bought a basic 400 dollar brother machine that did embroidery- he went to look for a disk for me with alphabet on it, and traded it in and got the bigger machine. I don't think I would trade it in quite yet. One of my other machines is a New home that he bought the year my daughter was born- 20 years ago. Its a real work horse and I love it. What it doesn't have is a automatic thread cutter, or the needle position stop up or down. But I have built dozens of tutu's, and costumes on it, taken it all over the place, and it keeps chugging. There's something to be said for non computerized machines. I was always glad to up grade from my mom's black singer because I wanted something just a bit nicer. My New home which was taken over by Janome was/is the best. For the more fancy stuff and embroidery I love my Brother. So off to storage I go........
17 May 2011
What a day
Sorry to have not been on, but between my computer having an issue with windows 7, which made it an unhappy computer. =((
Sunday something didn't agree with me, and I spent the night very sick, and most of Monday. I thought today would be better. It started out better but then got unreliable. My daughter flew in this morning, so I had to go to the airport to get her. Fortunately I had mostly straightened up the house. Then we stopped for lunch on the way home, and while out got a phone call for someone to view the house. So we ran home she was vacuuming and I went out to mow the front yard. Having been sick the last few days, didn't help much. I got about half the front yard done, when I saw the real estate agent coming early. So I had to quit and run in the house, change and let them look freely.
We jumped in the car, and headed down the highway headed west. Looked at each other and said what are we doing? So we drove into town, and she managed to get a cute haircut last minute, we went over for tapas at the Greek restaurant Olive You, and one of her friends showed up for a bit. It was lovely outside sunny and breezy by the lake, we sat on the patio for 2 hours enjoying one of our first days of sun. I love having my daughter at home, and know she's only here for 3 days to look for a job before moving back at the end of the month.
I'm tuckered out already.
Sunday something didn't agree with me, and I spent the night very sick, and most of Monday. I thought today would be better. It started out better but then got unreliable. My daughter flew in this morning, so I had to go to the airport to get her. Fortunately I had mostly straightened up the house. Then we stopped for lunch on the way home, and while out got a phone call for someone to view the house. So we ran home she was vacuuming and I went out to mow the front yard. Having been sick the last few days, didn't help much. I got about half the front yard done, when I saw the real estate agent coming early. So I had to quit and run in the house, change and let them look freely.
We jumped in the car, and headed down the highway headed west. Looked at each other and said what are we doing? So we drove into town, and she managed to get a cute haircut last minute, we went over for tapas at the Greek restaurant Olive You, and one of her friends showed up for a bit. It was lovely outside sunny and breezy by the lake, we sat on the patio for 2 hours enjoying one of our first days of sun. I love having my daughter at home, and know she's only here for 3 days to look for a job before moving back at the end of the month.
I'm tuckered out already.
14 May 2011
Have you jumped on the Zumba craze yet? It really is fun, I've been doing it on the wii. I like to put in the dances I like, and the amount of time I want to exercise. I've been wanting to go to a class in person, actually I would like to try different teachers. Last night I got a taste of a class put on by a wonderful English woman who has been teaching dance for 35 years. She's a hoot.
My daughter and I have been talking about taking the instructors course. I just registered us for a instructors session in August. We were hoping to do it sooner but logistics just weren't coming together. I'm psyched. I wanted her to have a chance to take a skill with her that you have to be licensed for so she perhaps more easily find work once in London. She'll have enough time to get started teaching before she leaves in mid September.
I'm hoping to eventually get licensed in the Zumba gold , and the Toning component. I think I could use the Zumba toning with my ballet students I work with for something different. High school students are always hard to keep entertained. So check me out in August, and find out where we are teaching !
My daughter and I have been talking about taking the instructors course. I just registered us for a instructors session in August. We were hoping to do it sooner but logistics just weren't coming together. I'm psyched. I wanted her to have a chance to take a skill with her that you have to be licensed for so she perhaps more easily find work once in London. She'll have enough time to get started teaching before she leaves in mid September.
I'm hoping to eventually get licensed in the Zumba gold , and the Toning component. I think I could use the Zumba toning with my ballet students I work with for something different. High school students are always hard to keep entertained. So check me out in August, and find out where we are teaching !
11 May 2011
How was your mother's day?
I spent mothers's day with a girlfriend. Her spouse and children are spread out over the world right now. My hubs Mr G is on business trip, and Miss P is down in San Francisco a few more weeks. We went to a movie, and out to early dinner after that. It was pleasant but not quite the same as being with your family.
Mr G called yesterday to say he was going to be gone at least another week, could I send him some things. Ok, sure. Miss P is coming in for 2 days to do some job lookig/interviews. Then back to San Fran to pack up her place and do a performance. I will go down and pick her and her stuff up at the end of the month.
I'm still working on the sweater and will post a new pic of it soon as I'm going along. I decided that something was wrong, and had ripped it out to the first 4 rows and remade it.. I'm much happier with the results.
10 May 2011
Just a quick check in
I wanted to check in with you quickly. I love my blog, but it is mostly a creative & family driven blog. I enjoy showing what I'm making or posting a recipe, or sharing some of my family happenings.
But I've wanted for a while to create a blog about health, so I have created a 2nd blog called 8000 steps. Its my journey to a healthier life. Its riddled with why I'm taking the journey, a need to improve my over all health, losing 50lbs, struggling with meeting the quotas given to me for exercise, and diet, and dealing with the challenges of health care. Recently its come up as they look for diagnosis to explain some health issues that Lupus may be the cause. I'm sure they won't determine this diagnosis soon, as I've been on the edge of a diagnosis for almost 2 years now. Who knows, they might surprise me. It won't particularly change things for if that is what they end up with at this time. The time has been spent ruling out, or testing and treating the immediate problem. I will still be here, as much as ever, as I have many things to share, but I wanted to separate out so if your only interested in creativity, Myheartsdelight is the place for you.
But I've wanted for a while to create a blog about health, so I have created a 2nd blog called 8000 steps. Its my journey to a healthier life. Its riddled with why I'm taking the journey, a need to improve my over all health, losing 50lbs, struggling with meeting the quotas given to me for exercise, and diet, and dealing with the challenges of health care. Recently its come up as they look for diagnosis to explain some health issues that Lupus may be the cause. I'm sure they won't determine this diagnosis soon, as I've been on the edge of a diagnosis for almost 2 years now. Who knows, they might surprise me. It won't particularly change things for if that is what they end up with at this time. The time has been spent ruling out, or testing and treating the immediate problem. I will still be here, as much as ever, as I have many things to share, but I wanted to separate out so if your only interested in creativity, Myheartsdelight is the place for you.
09 May 2011
National Women's Health Week | May 8-14, 2011
nal Women's Health Week May 8-14, 2011
Go to this link to find more information about National
womens health week. I know in the Seattle area, free mamagrams were being offered to women without insurance. It's our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and often women put themselves on the back burner because of lack of time, or funds. Take care of yourself so you can offer the best you to your family and friends.
Hope you had a lovely Mother's day weekend with your family or friends.
Go to this link to find more information about National
womens health week. I know in the Seattle area, free mamagrams were being offered to women without insurance. It's our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and often women put themselves on the back burner because of lack of time, or funds. Take care of yourself so you can offer the best you to your family and friends.
Hope you had a lovely Mother's day weekend with your family or friends.
07 May 2011
sweater is moving along
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Fsc on left edge of photo |
so here are some pics of the yoke on the sweater I'm working on for my daughter. I was having such a time doing the starting stitch foundation single crochet ( where you make the foundation row of chains and the first row of single chains together )and still really have to pay attention to the pattern. you can start to see the lacy pineapples in the top of it.
The pattern for the sweater is called September Morn jacket/vest
by Doris Chan. I purchased this as a e pattern download. I wish it had better pics for picking out detail. Even on my computer, I can't get a clear enlargement, but hopefully when its all done and been blocked it will be perfect. I've never followed a Doris Chan pattern before so it takes a bit to get used to the way a person describes the pattern. It's going a little slower than I planned but its always better to have something that challenges rather than have everything be too easy.
03 May 2011
crochet- there's always a new thing to learn.
Funny, I thought I had been crochet long enough to know what I was doing. Then again, I 've been using old patterns that have been around for years. Somebody figures out how to do something new and there you have it, the patterns call for the modification. So I'm trying to figure out how to foundation single crochet stitch. It's supposed to be a combination of making the chain and the first row single crochet at one time. I get it, but I can't seem to be consistent. I've worked with three different yarns to get a feel for the stitch. But the yarn that I'm planning on using for a the project that calls for the stitch is giving me pains. I have this beautiful Rowan yarn called "panama" in the color daisy. Daisy looks like white and shade of beige intertwined. Its a combined yarn of viscose, Cotton and linen. Perfect for a light summer sweater that I plan to make my daughter. If I could get the consistency of the stitch together for the gage, I could move on. The rest of the sweater is made up of more routine stitches such as cluster, shells, and v-stitches. The challenge is on. Once I actually get something to show, I will take a photo.
26 April 2011
What's new 2
So this post has nothing to do with creating. You can leave now if you want.
Our family doctor started a concierge type of practice. In addition to insurance you pay a monthly base fee, for care. He has a limited amount of patients on this service. You have access to his cell phone, email, and home care if needed. He also performs a major physical, doing body photos for melanoma ( I've had melanoma removed, so I'm in it for life as far as having the twice a year skin checks) . He checks your carotid artery with ultrasound, and has analyzed for atherosclerosis, he does major blood workup through the Berkley heart labs, he spends a great deal of time talking with you. The time spent initially is about 3 hours. The follow up is about 2 hours, going thru the results. For me it came down to what I already knew and have been trying to work on in that I need to lose some weight. Less than I thought, which was helpful. My cholesterol was much improved to past however the deep analysis they do is far past the Ldl, hdl, as they are typed, into many sub levels and how should you change these. My ldl was 65- this is low as we know numbers, but two of the sub levels could be improved, so that's on my game plan. He also hooks you up with a nutritionist through the heart lab so the choices you make are better for you individually.
He offered and I took him up on it on a device by Body Media. This little device plugs in to your computer after you wear for hopefully 23 hours a day. It tracks your sleep, activity- both time and in mets, calculating your calories burned, you track your nutrition on the computer, it tracks how many steps you take a day. Its small about 3" square on an armband. It even tracks how long you lay down- I read when i go to bed, and although I had slept only 5 1/2 hours it said I'd been laying down 8 something. Now that was weird. You have to be honest with yourself when your tracking your nutrition. It will show if your on a losing weight trend or upward trend. I'm tracking through both them and weight watchers on line. Because for so long, I've been tracking through WW I find its comforting to keep going through them.
One thing I can say about wearing the band. Its easy to not forget when your sleeping. Its not though entirely during the day. In fact it keeps you reminded that your working on your weight. I'm wondering if after 30 days, it will be less re mindful, but I don't know.
So now I'm on a journey to lose weight to improve some health aspects. If I could discover why I'm so anemic that would be good too. Yes we tested, and now they are on discovery tract- again. It looks highly likely that I will be swallowing one of those little camera's that goes through your digestive system, you wear a halter that records the images as the camera passes through. There's been a fixation that I' must be losing blood internally through this system, however, all previous test have shown negative for this. Including and endoscopy,a colonoscopy and several samples(BTW those are the worst to collect). After this I probably head to the hematologist if results remain inconclusive. So that is it for now. I will in the future post on the body media device and how its going. who knows maybe even a picture of my self will show up here and there.
Have a healthy day.
Our family doctor started a concierge type of practice. In addition to insurance you pay a monthly base fee, for care. He has a limited amount of patients on this service. You have access to his cell phone, email, and home care if needed. He also performs a major physical, doing body photos for melanoma ( I've had melanoma removed, so I'm in it for life as far as having the twice a year skin checks) . He checks your carotid artery with ultrasound, and has analyzed for atherosclerosis, he does major blood workup through the Berkley heart labs, he spends a great deal of time talking with you. The time spent initially is about 3 hours. The follow up is about 2 hours, going thru the results. For me it came down to what I already knew and have been trying to work on in that I need to lose some weight. Less than I thought, which was helpful. My cholesterol was much improved to past however the deep analysis they do is far past the Ldl, hdl, as they are typed, into many sub levels and how should you change these. My ldl was 65- this is low as we know numbers, but two of the sub levels could be improved, so that's on my game plan. He also hooks you up with a nutritionist through the heart lab so the choices you make are better for you individually.
He offered and I took him up on it on a device by Body Media. This little device plugs in to your computer after you wear for hopefully 23 hours a day. It tracks your sleep, activity- both time and in mets, calculating your calories burned, you track your nutrition on the computer, it tracks how many steps you take a day. Its small about 3" square on an armband. It even tracks how long you lay down- I read when i go to bed, and although I had slept only 5 1/2 hours it said I'd been laying down 8 something. Now that was weird. You have to be honest with yourself when your tracking your nutrition. It will show if your on a losing weight trend or upward trend. I'm tracking through both them and weight watchers on line. Because for so long, I've been tracking through WW I find its comforting to keep going through them.
One thing I can say about wearing the band. Its easy to not forget when your sleeping. Its not though entirely during the day. In fact it keeps you reminded that your working on your weight. I'm wondering if after 30 days, it will be less re mindful, but I don't know.
So now I'm on a journey to lose weight to improve some health aspects. If I could discover why I'm so anemic that would be good too. Yes we tested, and now they are on discovery tract- again. It looks highly likely that I will be swallowing one of those little camera's that goes through your digestive system, you wear a halter that records the images as the camera passes through. There's been a fixation that I' must be losing blood internally through this system, however, all previous test have shown negative for this. Including and endoscopy,a colonoscopy and several samples(BTW those are the worst to collect). After this I probably head to the hematologist if results remain inconclusive. So that is it for now. I will in the future post on the body media device and how its going. who knows maybe even a picture of my self will show up here and there.
Have a healthy day.
whats new ?
Hope you had a lovely Easter Sunday. Ours was drizzly, we had to wake up early and clean the house for a showing. First major holiday without our daughter at home, made it rather bland. After cleaning the house we headed to the Issaquah Cafe for brunch. Yummy 2 egg omelet and hash browns. One of the favorite things we get there is the Monte Cristo sandwich, a family favorite but it seemed more of an egg day.
Oh and if you like Monte Cristo's, and usually dip it in strawberry jam- try this- dipping it in maple syrup. We were at a breakfast cafe in Bothell a few weeks ago and they serve it with Maple syrup which seemed weird, but at the waitress said, its basically french toast. True it is, and for a change it was nice.
So I finished this little hat to go with the sweater I'm sending my cousin. I have to make a little flower pin for it and it will be ready to ship.
These are going to make a cute set
. You can see where I changed the embroidery from the original pattern on the arm and shoulder. The yarn is Tencel and cotton. Total I think I used 7 skeins.
I hope they enjoy it.
Oh and if you like Monte Cristo's, and usually dip it in strawberry jam- try this- dipping it in maple syrup. We were at a breakfast cafe in Bothell a few weeks ago and they serve it with Maple syrup which seemed weird, but at the waitress said, its basically french toast. True it is, and for a change it was nice.
So I finished this little hat to go with the sweater I'm sending my cousin. I have to make a little flower pin for it and it will be ready to ship.
These are going to make a cute set

I hope they enjoy it.
20 April 2011
A mail box surprise

I promised to show a pic of the sweater I'm making for my cousins grand daughter. so here is one. since this, I took all the embroidery out, and have redone it- I wasn't happy with it, and you know how some things just keep bugging you until you redo it? this was one of those pieces. The design was from Crochet magazine, I'm not usually a copy cat for colors, but I found this tencel yarn that seemed perfect for it, and happened to be aqua which is one of my favorite colors for clothes.
17 April 2011
Just another Sunday
A what a day. First off, we had and open house and had to leave early. Neither Hubs or I had much gumption or energy this morning. So we debated brunch or a movie. Movies one by default as we tried to reach a couple friends for brunch unsuccessfully so we hit the theatre.
Arthur was the first movie showing, realize at 11:15 the theatres arent' too crowded either. The other early movie was also a comedy, the one about the knights. So off to Arthur we went, and had our breakfast popcorn. I heard that the reviews weren't great but it was alright. The best line in the movie was when he was looking in the paper for jobs, and making comments about them, and stated " Can you just imagine someone doing systems integration as a hobby?" My husband does systems integration and we cracked up. It's not his hobby by any means but it pays the bills. I don't really remember the first Arthur other than he drank a lot in it. So if there are more similarities I can't help you.
We headed home, and were commenting on how cold it was. Its usually 50-60s here in April but were still in the blasted forties. Much too cold for spring, and it makes it hard to plant things with out worrying about them freezing over night. Shortly after arriving a large hail storm started.
Current crochet project is a sweater for my cousins granddaughter. I don't know how she can be old enough to be a grandmother, as I'm not, and I'm actually three years older than her. And though it would not be a disgrace, I'm glad at 19 my daughter is NOT having children at the moment, although in a few years I'm sure I'll be nagging at her to get married, and have some, but not too soon, I hope.
I will post some pictures tomorrow perhaps of the sweater. Hubs is traveling this week so must provide a decent dinner before he leaves. Fortunately I have some spareribs marinated to cook in the fridge,small artichokes to grill and some lovely bake and serve rolls. I do believe my favorite food is grilled artichokes in the spring.
Hope your day was pleasant =)
Arthur was the first movie showing, realize at 11:15 the theatres arent' too crowded either. The other early movie was also a comedy, the one about the knights. So off to Arthur we went, and had our breakfast popcorn. I heard that the reviews weren't great but it was alright. The best line in the movie was when he was looking in the paper for jobs, and making comments about them, and stated " Can you just imagine someone doing systems integration as a hobby?" My husband does systems integration and we cracked up. It's not his hobby by any means but it pays the bills. I don't really remember the first Arthur other than he drank a lot in it. So if there are more similarities I can't help you.
We headed home, and were commenting on how cold it was. Its usually 50-60s here in April but were still in the blasted forties. Much too cold for spring, and it makes it hard to plant things with out worrying about them freezing over night. Shortly after arriving a large hail storm started.
Current crochet project is a sweater for my cousins granddaughter. I don't know how she can be old enough to be a grandmother, as I'm not, and I'm actually three years older than her. And though it would not be a disgrace, I'm glad at 19 my daughter is NOT having children at the moment, although in a few years I'm sure I'll be nagging at her to get married, and have some, but not too soon, I hope.
I will post some pictures tomorrow perhaps of the sweater. Hubs is traveling this week so must provide a decent dinner before he leaves. Fortunately I have some spareribs marinated to cook in the fridge,small artichokes to grill and some lovely bake and serve rolls. I do believe my favorite food is grilled artichokes in the spring.
Hope your day was pleasant =)
06 April 2011
Off the hook last night
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another top view |
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brim rolled down/ side view |
So I found this lovely little red peruvian cotton and just had to do something quick with it. I made this little red apple hat last night, complete with stem and leaf. The brim can be rolled up to make it shorter or rolled down for extra length. It has a nubby texure from the yarn is perfect for spring time. Going into my etsy shop this week.
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top view |
I've been hooking
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cloches in newborn and toddler |
Then I worked on this little blue and white number. It was my first time for doing fillet crochet and its OK, probably not my favorite type of crochet. Unless I can get more comfortable doing it.
Next I tried and Italian yarn, and created a sweet baby headband.
04 April 2011
Oh I wish
I'm wishing on those stars that I could move soon. I absolutely hate having my house on the market. And I want to move so bad, its the major component of my blood - I swear.
I know the market is terrible, I know that there could be a better time. But we really have to get out of here.
Renting our home is not an option- It would leave us in the hole and make it hard to sell the house as anything but a rental afterwards.
With our daughter moving in September out of the country to finish school we don't need such a huge house.
Not sure we ever did, but it has served its purpose.
So do you have any great ideas for selling? We have nagged at the real estate agent and I'm almost considering offering her and additional percent if she sells it one month, a half percent if it takes 2 and just her normal if it takes longer than that. It would seem like it could be helpful, ave you ever done anything like this?
Over the last week our daughter was home for spring break. It rained every day she was home, but being a resilient young adult it didn't seem to phase her too much. She touched base with friends, and we did a few family dinners. Threw a dinner party at our house , and she threw a late night one of her own she called Whiskey and Pancakes. You ask what is that? Its whiskey drinking, and eating pancakes. LOL. Since the alcohol was in limited supply, it was rather self contained. But it appeared a good time was had by all.
I know the market is terrible, I know that there could be a better time. But we really have to get out of here.
Renting our home is not an option- It would leave us in the hole and make it hard to sell the house as anything but a rental afterwards.
With our daughter moving in September out of the country to finish school we don't need such a huge house.
Not sure we ever did, but it has served its purpose.
So do you have any great ideas for selling? We have nagged at the real estate agent and I'm almost considering offering her and additional percent if she sells it one month, a half percent if it takes 2 and just her normal if it takes longer than that. It would seem like it could be helpful, ave you ever done anything like this?
Over the last week our daughter was home for spring break. It rained every day she was home, but being a resilient young adult it didn't seem to phase her too much. She touched base with friends, and we did a few family dinners. Threw a dinner party at our house , and she threw a late night one of her own she called Whiskey and Pancakes. You ask what is that? Its whiskey drinking, and eating pancakes. LOL. Since the alcohol was in limited supply, it was rather self contained. But it appeared a good time was had by all.
27 March 2011
weekend round up
No pictures today, but I hope to get them up tomorrow.
Its national crochet month, and I've been working on a few different pieces. I made a shrug from a bamboo yarn with lots of slubs in it. This was a quick project yet so satisfying when it was done.
Of course more hats and booties, and yesterday I picked up the march issue of crochet and want to make a sweater out of it for my daughter. I'm searching for a particular yarn that is rather pricey but looks gorgeous, and is a pima cotton which should wear well.
We hit happy hour at Olive You in Kirkland Friday night. I love their food, but their servers & bartenders are something to be desired. The head bartender is a woman who is rather bitchy. She poured me a beer from their tap that still looked like crap floating in cup after 15 minutes. When I said whats going on, I had to ask for a new beer, since she was going to try and explain it like it was alright. Meanwhile my husband had been their 20 minutes earlier when the owner had come and said that it was the dregs, and to pour in a pitcher and let it settle then sell. That's total crap. I don't care to be offered crap for a drink. It's a shame their food is so delicious. They don't have a happy staff which is too bad So guess I'll be back to some of my other haunts.
Saturday, we had dinner with Gordon's dad at a little mexican place, and then went to 2nd story rep and saw our friend Dan Connolly play. He played to a rather small and intimate audience but it was so great. He'll be back in May there on my birthday so it happens, and I plan on being there. It was a really fun night for everyone there.
Sunday, we hung at home, while it poured outside. I knew when I had the windows cleaned both inside and out, it would rain as soon as they were done, but its so nice having clean windows. No streaks and smudges and lingering of dust when the sun shines through. We hit netflix and watched season of a BBC series called
Survivors- its about England post and influenza pandemic that started in China. I know the idea is corny and all but its somewhat entertaining.
Well hope you had good weekend.
Its national crochet month, and I've been working on a few different pieces. I made a shrug from a bamboo yarn with lots of slubs in it. This was a quick project yet so satisfying when it was done.
Of course more hats and booties, and yesterday I picked up the march issue of crochet and want to make a sweater out of it for my daughter. I'm searching for a particular yarn that is rather pricey but looks gorgeous, and is a pima cotton which should wear well.
We hit happy hour at Olive You in Kirkland Friday night. I love their food, but their servers & bartenders are something to be desired. The head bartender is a woman who is rather bitchy. She poured me a beer from their tap that still looked like crap floating in cup after 15 minutes. When I said whats going on, I had to ask for a new beer, since she was going to try and explain it like it was alright. Meanwhile my husband had been their 20 minutes earlier when the owner had come and said that it was the dregs, and to pour in a pitcher and let it settle then sell. That's total crap. I don't care to be offered crap for a drink. It's a shame their food is so delicious. They don't have a happy staff which is too bad So guess I'll be back to some of my other haunts.
Saturday, we had dinner with Gordon's dad at a little mexican place, and then went to 2nd story rep and saw our friend Dan Connolly play. He played to a rather small and intimate audience but it was so great. He'll be back in May there on my birthday so it happens, and I plan on being there. It was a really fun night for everyone there.
Sunday, we hung at home, while it poured outside. I knew when I had the windows cleaned both inside and out, it would rain as soon as they were done, but its so nice having clean windows. No streaks and smudges and lingering of dust when the sun shines through. We hit netflix and watched season of a BBC series called
Survivors- its about England post and influenza pandemic that started in China. I know the idea is corny and all but its somewhat entertaining.
Well hope you had good weekend.
17 March 2011
Happy St Patrick's Day
I love St Patricks day. When I was in grade school the Monsignor of the parish was from Ireland, and as students we always put on a special show for him. I remember my class learning to do a jig one year. Another year we sang several songs, including McNamara's band and O Danny Boy. We always had some special celebration in the class rooms, and as I got older, it just seemed the thing to do. By the time I was old enough to drink of course it was all about finding the best entertainment and bar hopping.
When I married, and when we could afford it (- those first few years of college & marriage- groceries were pretty limited to the cheapest food available,) we started to have corn beef and cabbage. I boil it for a couple hours and then make a mustard glaze with mustard and brown sugar and pop it in the oven. Boil carrots and cabbage in the meat water and you have a delicious and pretty simple meal.
One of our favorite pubs does and excellent corn beef and cabbage, they always serve with mash potatoes. Which i have gotten quite fond of. They saute the cabbage with bacon. A shot of Jamison's to go with and its Happy St Paddy's day, don't you know!
This year its music and dinner at home. The hubs has to leave at 4 am for travel across the country so no bar hopping for us. Its rather surprising when your daughter sends you and email and says I wish was at the Pub with you guys, you know its gonna be rocking. Which is true our favorite Irish pub the Wilde Rover, does and excellent celebration with music and bands all day, and by 7 pm they are bursting at the seams.
Hope you all have or had a great St Paddy's day.
When I married, and when we could afford it (- those first few years of college & marriage- groceries were pretty limited to the cheapest food available,) we started to have corn beef and cabbage. I boil it for a couple hours and then make a mustard glaze with mustard and brown sugar and pop it in the oven. Boil carrots and cabbage in the meat water and you have a delicious and pretty simple meal.
One of our favorite pubs does and excellent corn beef and cabbage, they always serve with mash potatoes. Which i have gotten quite fond of. They saute the cabbage with bacon. A shot of Jamison's to go with and its Happy St Paddy's day, don't you know!
This year its music and dinner at home. The hubs has to leave at 4 am for travel across the country so no bar hopping for us. Its rather surprising when your daughter sends you and email and says I wish was at the Pub with you guys, you know its gonna be rocking. Which is true our favorite Irish pub the Wilde Rover, does and excellent celebration with music and bands all day, and by 7 pm they are bursting at the seams.
Hope you all have or had a great St Paddy's day.
13 March 2011
Weekend Round up.
The weekend flew by it seems. Friday I went to see Giselle done by students of the school I teach at. The guest principals Mara Vinson, Le Yin, and Oleg Gorboulev were fantstic. The students were lovely. Followed by a wine reception we were able to chat with few friends, and admire the dancers once again.
It has been storming all weekend out here. Yesterday was one of those stay at home and stay warm days. I found a new british show I enjoy called Babylon Hotel. It takes place in a London hotel and is built around the major staff of the hotel. I've only seen two episodes, but it was amusing.
I hate daylight savings time. I wish truly that they would just dump it. It throws everything off, and makes it so hard to keep track of other time zones, since not all-the states use it. So after waking and running around to change the clocks, we cleaned the house, as someone wanted to come look at it. Awful weather to be going in and out of houses. Its so nasty out, and you can't enjoy the views, or be comfortable walking around out side. But I'm not going to say "NO" especially now with looming tuition and travels for England.
We then went over to Seattle where we watched Gordon's dad play with the Seattle Festival Orchestra and then he conducted a Tribute to big band excerpt that was delightful. They also played "Moldau" by Smetana a lovely piece, "SlavonicDance OP 46 #1 by Dvorak, Violin concerto in A minor by Vivaldi, and the Sound of Music (then entire thing), and lastly a piece composed by one of the members called Romance for violin and orchestra . We always enjoy the concerts put on by this group. Afterwards we met Dad over at the Wedgewood Broiler for dinner. It's not fancy and I don't think we had been there since Gordon's mom passed away 2 years ago, but its a nice neighborhood joint. Prime rib was the special, so we all had it. It was delicious!
Getting home was not too bad despite the constant rain and wind. PBS has the Les Misrables 25th anniversary special going so catching up with that.
Hope you had great weekend.
It has been storming all weekend out here. Yesterday was one of those stay at home and stay warm days. I found a new british show I enjoy called Babylon Hotel. It takes place in a London hotel and is built around the major staff of the hotel. I've only seen two episodes, but it was amusing.
I hate daylight savings time. I wish truly that they would just dump it. It throws everything off, and makes it so hard to keep track of other time zones, since not all-the states use it. So after waking and running around to change the clocks, we cleaned the house, as someone wanted to come look at it. Awful weather to be going in and out of houses. Its so nasty out, and you can't enjoy the views, or be comfortable walking around out side. But I'm not going to say "NO" especially now with looming tuition and travels for England.
We then went over to Seattle where we watched Gordon's dad play with the Seattle Festival Orchestra and then he conducted a Tribute to big band excerpt that was delightful. They also played "Moldau" by Smetana a lovely piece, "SlavonicDance OP 46 #1 by Dvorak, Violin concerto in A minor by Vivaldi, and the Sound of Music (then entire thing), and lastly a piece composed by one of the members called Romance for violin and orchestra . We always enjoy the concerts put on by this group. Afterwards we met Dad over at the Wedgewood Broiler for dinner. It's not fancy and I don't think we had been there since Gordon's mom passed away 2 years ago, but its a nice neighborhood joint. Prime rib was the special, so we all had it. It was delicious!
Getting home was not too bad despite the constant rain and wind. PBS has the Les Misrables 25th anniversary special going so catching up with that.
Hope you had great weekend.
05 March 2011
wishes come true
My daughter would definitely share that wishes come true. She was accepted to a dance college in London, England and is thrilled. She waited until the last minute to present the offer to us of her going, and really wasn't sure we were saying yes, when we said we would do what we could to make it work out. This totally stumped us. She's not a greedy person, and she is an only child, but we've always tried to keep some sense of normalcy to her (ie not being over privileged), and not provide her with each and everything she could possibly want. Their Bachelors degree is connected to the University of Kent. A friend of hers who is graduating from Ballet Rambert's conservatory with a similar degree also graduated through University of Kent. What a lovely historic builiding to go through your graduation ceremonies.
I can honestly say, I wish I was 19 or 20 and getting to move to London for a few years in. It has been one of my own adult wishes to live in Great Britain and Irelend for a few years. So I'm in awe of my own child.
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the Place -London contemporary dance school |
I can honestly say, I wish I was 19 or 20 and getting to move to London for a few years in. It has been one of my own adult wishes to live in Great Britain and Irelend for a few years. So I'm in awe of my own child.
01 March 2011
tutu in action

I returned from San Francisco last night. Here are a few photos of my daughter wearing her romantic tutu for Les Slyphides variation, I made. The costume was perfect fit. I didn't have to make any adjustments. I added the sleeves and wings on arrival to get perfect placement.
We made the headpiece after I arrived in town and made a trip to Britex fabrics. Britex is like a giant fabric candy store. Not the least expensive place to shop at, but they have some wonderful buttons and ribbons etc. It was like shopping at Nancy's sewing basket (still my favorite fabric shop in Seattle).
My daughter has let me know her displeasure in these photos, because she's looking at them technically not as a mama looking at beautiful daughter. Her performance was flawless, and my husband and I are extremely proud of her.
21 February 2011
look what's new from my machine
My daughter is performing in a competition this weekend, so it was time for mom to pull out the patterns, tulle, thread and create. Here are two pics of the romantic tutu I did for her. The picture on the right looks kind of wonky on the top, but I know its right. I wasn't quite finished when I took these. I still had to attached the skirt to the top, and put elastic on for the straps. She wants a sleeve as well. Which I will take down with me on the weekend. The little wings are usually seen in Les sylphides pieces, which she is one of the pieces she is doing.
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romantic tutu for les slyphides |
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back of tutu with wings- pinned. |
I hope to get a few pictures of her wearing it. When I do, I will post them.
10 February 2011
jury duty-2
Well my day today started with a ##@@%@$! at the court house. I went into the cafe to get a cup of tea. As I poured hot water- you know the stuff out of the giant coffee makers that will boil your skin in seconds- i had filled my cup and was moving down a bit when jostled and the hot water poured over my hand, front and back, and wrist. Several people around me helped with napkins, and tried to get me to ice it, asked for ice, and cleaned the floor. The employees in the cafe, totally oblivious, even though one of them was right behind the coffee pot. When the other people asked her to get me ice, she asked if their was water on the floor, because we couldn't have someone slip. Never mind that my hand is bright red, and burned to a crisp. I had to go run cold water over it, in a bathroom to keep from blistering. I have a few spots I'm concerned with they are very tender, and heat sensitive and red. Well just have to see how it goes.
Day 2 was more interesting than day 1, but still alot of stagnant time. Going thru the process of jury selection is interesting, and takes quite a bit of time. Now that I'm sitting on a case that is all I can say about it at this time.
Day 2 was more interesting than day 1, but still alot of stagnant time. Going thru the process of jury selection is interesting, and takes quite a bit of time. Now that I'm sitting on a case that is all I can say about it at this time.
09 February 2011
Jury Duty
Jury Duty is supposed to be a great thing of service for your country and fellow man. But the majority of the experience is boring with a capitol B. Really, when selected for jury duty, they should give you a survival list. I pod with headphones, laptop computer, coffee or tea, and some fruit to nosh, and mints.
Today I took only a book and my cellphone. Limited access to the Internet through my phone, my book became boring after having nothing else to do for hours and having to sit in a chair that was making my back feel like it was dying after a couple hours. All the chairs are the same, so there's no way to change position, or feel refreshed when you change seats.
You spend hours waiting even if your on a jury. Feeling confined, and like I was wasting time was killing me. You can't bring scissors, so crochet is out, as well as any needle work that requires cutting the thread. Which elimnates one of the easist pass times to while away the hours.
Iif you get selected, and they decide to settle without the jury, your name goes back in the pot..
Best part of the day was they let us leave for lunch, and it was beautiful outside, sunny and clear- after brisk walk to a nearby pub for some delicious pub grub and an hour of music listening, including bob Dylan and johnny Cash, I was ready to go back the pea soup green room. Where one could hear constant sighs, phone conversations, phones ringing , and the typing of computer keys and windows start up music.
Well tomorrow is day 2 of sentence. I'm praying to be done with it tomorrow. Enough with the civic duty.
Even Jack from Jack in the Box, talks about embracing America and serving jury duty- Jack can have it, all.
Today I took only a book and my cellphone. Limited access to the Internet through my phone, my book became boring after having nothing else to do for hours and having to sit in a chair that was making my back feel like it was dying after a couple hours. All the chairs are the same, so there's no way to change position, or feel refreshed when you change seats.
You spend hours waiting even if your on a jury. Feeling confined, and like I was wasting time was killing me. You can't bring scissors, so crochet is out, as well as any needle work that requires cutting the thread. Which elimnates one of the easist pass times to while away the hours.
Iif you get selected, and they decide to settle without the jury, your name goes back in the pot..
Best part of the day was they let us leave for lunch, and it was beautiful outside, sunny and clear- after brisk walk to a nearby pub for some delicious pub grub and an hour of music listening, including bob Dylan and johnny Cash, I was ready to go back the pea soup green room. Where one could hear constant sighs, phone conversations, phones ringing , and the typing of computer keys and windows start up music.
Well tomorrow is day 2 of sentence. I'm praying to be done with it tomorrow. Enough with the civic duty.
Even Jack from Jack in the Box, talks about embracing America and serving jury duty- Jack can have it, all.
30 January 2011
Tail gate Warriors and aebleskivers
Whenever I watch the food network channel I get excited to try something new. The week before I was watching the Ten dollar Dnners or less show. It had some tasty concoctions going on, and a recipe for polenta that you start on the stove, but finish in the crock pot, which I do want to try. I love things made with cornmeal. Corn bread, being my all time favorite, but I love polenta as well.
This week I happened to see the Tailgate Warriors Championship. These guys are ridiculous in their menus. It reminds me of when we first started camping, and we would bring a variety of meal ideas, one always seemed to be to much work, but tasty all the same. Seeing this competition had Seattleites competing I felt I must watch all the same. Their menu included appetizers of jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and bacon and wrapped in prosciutto, and grilled. They served them with a cranberry sauce. These sound delicious and are variation of one I make already. The person cooking them blanched them first, which I've never tried, but perhaps will now. They also had roasted butternut squash soup. YUM to soup anytime of year.
They smoked then deep fried turkey legs. Too much effort but it was appreciated by the judges. stuffed mushrooms, and deconstructed green bean casserole went along. I love stuff mushrooms, and green beans, so it all sounds delicious. I'm not a fry person. I don't deep fry anything. I barely pan fry. So its doubtful I would make their turkey legs.
Their desert though intrigued me, so much so I went to Sur La Table today and bought an Aebleskiver pan.
They made aeblskivers with apple chopped inside, and dipping sauce of chunky apple and sugar. I'm thinking of cooking the apples with some cinnamon sugar, and using a little caramel as well. They are kind of a donut hole type confection but also a danish pancake. You cook them and turn them in the pan so that they form a round circle. When you take them out you sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar.
The judges seemed to think these were quite delicious. If they can cook them on a grill in the windy parking lot of the San Francisco 49'ers I'm thinking I can manage them at home inside.
Well perhaps you will see photos of my own aebleskivers!
This week I happened to see the Tailgate Warriors Championship. These guys are ridiculous in their menus. It reminds me of when we first started camping, and we would bring a variety of meal ideas, one always seemed to be to much work, but tasty all the same. Seeing this competition had Seattleites competing I felt I must watch all the same. Their menu included appetizers of jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and bacon and wrapped in prosciutto, and grilled. They served them with a cranberry sauce. These sound delicious and are variation of one I make already. The person cooking them blanched them first, which I've never tried, but perhaps will now. They also had roasted butternut squash soup. YUM to soup anytime of year.
They smoked then deep fried turkey legs. Too much effort but it was appreciated by the judges. stuffed mushrooms, and deconstructed green bean casserole went along. I love stuff mushrooms, and green beans, so it all sounds delicious. I'm not a fry person. I don't deep fry anything. I barely pan fry. So its doubtful I would make their turkey legs.
Their desert though intrigued me, so much so I went to Sur La Table today and bought an Aebleskiver pan.
They made aeblskivers with apple chopped inside, and dipping sauce of chunky apple and sugar. I'm thinking of cooking the apples with some cinnamon sugar, and using a little caramel as well. They are kind of a donut hole type confection but also a danish pancake. You cook them and turn them in the pan so that they form a round circle. When you take them out you sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar.
The judges seemed to think these were quite delicious. If they can cook them on a grill in the windy parking lot of the San Francisco 49'ers I'm thinking I can manage them at home inside.
Well perhaps you will see photos of my own aebleskivers!
25 January 2011
costumes & Chop Shop

16 January 2011
Sunday Brunch!
Well this is one of those post that has only a little bit of info, but after a long morning of cleaning the house so our realtor could have an open house this afternoon, we headed out for brunch.
Ended up at Beach House Cafe on Lake Washington in Kirkland. http://beachhousekirkland.com/
We go here for happy hour but this was new for us. Turns out they were trying out their Bloody Mary bar for the first time as well. This was good, no limit on what you could take or add, they had lots of pickled veggies such as green beans, and asparagus, cocktail onions, Olives a couple types, as well as the pickled spicy veggie mix that comes with peppercini's, cauliflower, carrots, - YUM I love peppercininis' unfortunately my digestive system makes me pay dearly when I eat more than about 2-3 but they are so good. They also had fresh celery, lemons, limes, tomatoes, and salami. A selection of hot sauces you could alter the taste with. It was a hit, we loved it, but I must say I really like the one in Haight Ashbury better, but this is closer to home!
The breakfast dishes were quite good too. My hubs had the eggs Benedict, he loves the hollandaise sauce, which I don't, and I never make. I had the Popeye omelet with spinach, artichoke hearts, and bacon, and tomatoes, with hash browns and fruit. It was so good. and no cheese which is a nice change.
We were by the windows in the bar, so we could look across the lake, or out at the park, where many individuals walked their dogs. It soon became clear which masters were well trained by their pets, versus the pets who were well trained by the masters. Surprising variety that we saw which was on this day overwhelmed with the smaller variety such as Bison Frise, small terriers, and a few mid size dogs such as sheep dogs. Despite the grey weather, and dark clouds above, there seemed to be no lack of traffic of pets and owners. We even saw a few families taking the opportunity for a stroll. The winds were brisk and breathtaking almost, so it appeared the majority of seagulls were camped on the beach and the ducks were grouped in the water near the shore.
Ended up at Beach House Cafe on Lake Washington in Kirkland. http://beachhousekirkland.com/
We go here for happy hour but this was new for us. Turns out they were trying out their Bloody Mary bar for the first time as well. This was good, no limit on what you could take or add, they had lots of pickled veggies such as green beans, and asparagus, cocktail onions, Olives a couple types, as well as the pickled spicy veggie mix that comes with peppercini's, cauliflower, carrots, - YUM I love peppercininis' unfortunately my digestive system makes me pay dearly when I eat more than about 2-3 but they are so good. They also had fresh celery, lemons, limes, tomatoes, and salami. A selection of hot sauces you could alter the taste with. It was a hit, we loved it, but I must say I really like the one in Haight Ashbury better, but this is closer to home!
The breakfast dishes were quite good too. My hubs had the eggs Benedict, he loves the hollandaise sauce, which I don't, and I never make. I had the Popeye omelet with spinach, artichoke hearts, and bacon, and tomatoes, with hash browns and fruit. It was so good. and no cheese which is a nice change.
We were by the windows in the bar, so we could look across the lake, or out at the park, where many individuals walked their dogs. It soon became clear which masters were well trained by their pets, versus the pets who were well trained by the masters. Surprising variety that we saw which was on this day overwhelmed with the smaller variety such as Bison Frise, small terriers, and a few mid size dogs such as sheep dogs. Despite the grey weather, and dark clouds above, there seemed to be no lack of traffic of pets and owners. We even saw a few families taking the opportunity for a stroll. The winds were brisk and breathtaking almost, so it appeared the majority of seagulls were camped on the beach and the ducks were grouped in the water near the shore.
08 January 2011
New items
01 January 2011
Hello 2011!
New Years Day and its bright and crisp here- really crisp, the temp is in the 20's, the ice is crunchy on the driveway, and street, and the snow is no longer soft but crunches when you walk through.
We were able to be with friends on New Years Eve, going to the movies and happy hour. The boys seen here, were excited to see Tron in Imax 3D wearing there HOT 3D glasses. Prior to this we had been at Happy hour at Tejas. We got home in time to enjoy the fireworks at the space needle in the comfort of our home which is was by far warmer, and less crowded than the actual needle.
I home preparing our good luck meal for year, Hopping Johns with Keilabasa sausage, Corn bread and Kale. YUM!. I'm not from the south, but have some southern roots I'm sure.
We were able to be with friends on New Years Eve, going to the movies and happy hour. The boys seen here, were excited to see Tron in Imax 3D wearing there HOT 3D glasses. Prior to this we had been at Happy hour at Tejas. We got home in time to enjoy the fireworks at the space needle in the comfort of our home which is was by far warmer, and less crowded than the actual needle.
I home preparing our good luck meal for year, Hopping Johns with Keilabasa sausage, Corn bread and Kale. YUM!. I'm not from the south, but have some southern roots I'm sure.
Hope you all started your New Years with family or friends to get off to a good start!
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