"So I went to
consult on some costumes" and now I'm working on them. I find this somewhat hilarious. It's always amazing to participate in someone else's artistic vision. These are extremely simple and require mostly measuring for a balanced look. I did put off doing them, but once I started you develop a rhythm that makes it easy to finish. Unfortunately, I had to stop as we had an open house, that we prepared for, but the realtor failed, and I got a phone call while at the movies and 2 hours after it "started" from the person who was supposed to do it. "Hope I can make this up to you" he says. Fortunately he left this as a message, because I was thinking, " You didn't open my house, which means you didn't sell my house, and how does that get made up? " Of course it makes me mad at my own realtor who is on vacation and had left me the email, about how she was sure we were in capable hands while she was gone. I've been slightly fuming all week since and it leaves me wrapped up in a mood that is foul on the mind and the soul, I'm totally not good to be around. I am waiting for the day I can finally say, We've sold it!!!! 9 months is so long to deal with people traipsing through your home, disassociating yourself from your home and your belongings. I want to quickly make a transitionnd from this home to another, and begin living a normal life again.
Have you heard of this Event- Chop Shop? It happens in Bellevue the weekend of February 12 and 13th, at the Meydenbauer Center. Its a hot bed of dance, and dance Master classes with three shows during the weekend. One of the dance companies appearing in the festival is who I'm helping with costumes. I always find it a great event to attend as you see so much local talent from our area.
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