10 May 2011

Just a quick check in

I wanted to check in with you quickly.  I love my blog, but it is mostly a creative & family driven blog.  I enjoy showing what I'm making or posting a recipe, or sharing some of my family happenings.
But I've wanted for a while to create a blog about health,  so I have created a 2nd blog called 8000 steps.  Its my journey to a healthier life.  Its riddled with why I'm taking the journey, a need to improve my over all health, losing 50lbs, struggling with meeting the quotas given to me for exercise, and diet, and dealing with the challenges of health care.  Recently its come up as they look for diagnosis to explain some health issues that Lupus may be the cause.  I'm sure they won't determine this diagnosis soon, as I've been on the edge of a diagnosis for almost 2 years now.  Who knows, they might surprise me.  It won't particularly change things for if that is what they end up with  at this time. The time has been spent ruling out, or testing and treating the immediate problem.  I will still be here, as much as ever, as I have many things to share, but I wanted to separate out so if your only interested in creativity, Myheartsdelight is the place for you.

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