11 April 2010


Ok I must admit todays post is whiney! I'm running out of energy for packing and hauling.. Packed up all the extra china, and cleaned most of the bonus room, and started my sewing room- YIKES-
 Unfortunately I work like crazy in here, but when ever we have company, or something where things need to be extra tidy, I grab a box, and run through the downstairs throwing everything in it like a mad woman.  Then I deposit it into my work room and shut the door.  When I go back to work, i just move it out of the way, ---not a go good practice!
NO no its not a good practice, but tell me once in a while you don't do something similar?  Argh. 

So I'm sitting here sifting and sorting- things to go to the  recycle, things to go shredder, and things to go to the dump.  The pile to keep is so small its really a shame.  I wish the magic fairy would come by, wave her wand and say " there its all sorted for you!" Unfortunately that's not happening, my house keeper is coming to help me do a big final clean before the real estate agent comes back for the photo tour. 
This is the part I hate about moving.  I don't mind unpacking, or even packing for that matter, except I HATE with a PASSION sorting out stuff.  It reminds me how much time I waste in not taking care of things in the first place.  I admit, I'm a procrastinator.  I'm always saying I can do that later, just put in the pile. I usually set aside or a deadline comes up that makes me deal with these things, but  every now and then it all slips through the cracks.
OH my...

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