29 March 2010

step 2 to selling

OK step 2 is to declutter- so I went and rented a storage unit in the area where we would like to relocate.  In some ways it seems weird- move your stuff so far away-what if you need something? that's a heck of a drive.
ON the other hand, its going to be that much closer to where we would like to move so if it takes a  few trips at our leisure to unload the storage unit, it will be closer in the end. 

While at the storage unit I noticed signs for a new neighborhood, so I went to check it out.  They had just re-opened this development to sell again.  Evidently they had a moratorium on it for a while as sales were pretty slow but business does seem to be picking up again.  Unfortunately they have two models finished, but no homes finished to purchase so it would not be possible to get the the tax discount as 5 months is there time line.  HOW ever these were pretty nice homes, with decent square footage, and priced similar to the town homes we had looked at the week before.  The townhouses have location going for them close to the freeway, and downtown walking area.  The houses have no shared walls going for them and two stories versus 3 stories.  I can see as we keep looking its going to be more challenging this time.  I'm really liking the variety of home styles with square footage available.  Location plays a big part, but then I started thinking, about hoping my daughter eventually has children, and a place for them, ease of living etc. So it will be hard to choose in the end.  Especially if we can get GAS in the places we think it should be, like fireplaces, water heater, and stove top.  I've been through so many power outages thru the years that these become mandatory.  Being able to take a hot shower, keep warm and cook during a power outage is extremely important.  Some of the place we are looking at have been built "green". I love the idea of built green- but electricity although is a renewable source- is often higher than the cost of gas and leaves you in the cold when the power goes out. 
And for my dear friend, I promise I will get the photos up fo the crochet blankets in the next day or two!

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