Jury Duty is supposed to be a great thing of service for your country and fellow man. But the majority of the experience is boring with a capitol B. Really, when selected for jury duty, they should give you a survival list. I pod with headphones, laptop computer, coffee or tea, and some fruit to nosh, and mints.
Today I took only a book and my cellphone. Limited access to the Internet through my phone, my book became boring after having nothing else to do for hours and having to sit in a chair that was making my back feel like it was dying after a couple hours. All the chairs are the same, so there's no way to change position, or feel refreshed when you change seats.
You spend hours waiting even if your on a jury. Feeling confined, and like I was wasting time was killing me. You can't bring scissors, so crochet is out, as well as any needle work that requires cutting the thread. Which elimnates one of the easist pass times to while away the hours.
Iif you get selected, and they decide to settle without the jury, your name goes back in the pot..
Best part of the day was they let us leave for lunch, and it was beautiful outside, sunny and clear- after brisk walk to a nearby pub for some delicious pub grub and an hour of music listening, including bob Dylan and johnny Cash, I was ready to go back the pea soup green room. Where one could hear constant sighs, phone conversations, phones ringing , and the typing of computer keys and windows start up music.
Well tomorrow is day 2 of sentence. I'm praying to be done with it tomorrow. Enough with the civic duty.
Even Jack from Jack in the Box, talks about embracing America and serving jury duty- Jack can have it, all.