Oye, this weekend is Valentines Day. Now this is traditionally not too big of a deal,could include flowers, a movie, cards and dinner usually at home. But this year we were going to watch my daughter perform with the dance company Stone Dance Collective. We will not be going but I will. My husband has been called out of town to emergency work- Seriously what the hell is so 911 about software? There's a whole company to work on it, but they can't seem to get along with out importing him. So I will go with my auntie who's coming into town tonight for a week. She hasn't been here for 5 years, so its nice for her to come see my daughter who is indeed all grown up and holding her own these days.
So quickly I must think of some creative cute thing I can tuck in the suitcase for his weekend. He's used to traveling, but tired of it for business over the years. He's missed many events including, Thanksgiving, birthdays, and various events over the years for his JOB.
So I came up with a candy card. On hot pink poster board. Its not romantic on the surface obviously being candy of various inexpensive varieties but this is what it ended up saying.
"To my wonderful lovable Big Hunk. Please don't Snicker(s) when you read this I love it when you leave
mo-Mentos around the house or when you Rolo-over to make me Chuckles and I have to catch my breath . You truly go the EXTRA mile on my behalf even when I'm and Airhead. Your love sends me into Orbit and I would go to the MIlkway & back for you. From Zero to 100Grand your definitely my Payday in life. You're my Bit of Honey. Thanks for being my Lifesaver & my Hot Tamale Train. I just wanted to Take 5 to tell you how Special you are and I love you to Pieces.
PS when you return you may Skor and it will be M&m good.
so can you figure out the candy and gum? There are so many choices you can go nuts with this, but 20 dollars of junk food is good for anyone... LOL
Big Hunk, Snickers, chuckles, Mentos, Extra gum, Airhead taffy, Orbit gum, Milkyway, 100 Grand, Payday, Bit of Honey, Lifesavers, Hot tamales, Take 5, Hersheys Special Dark, Reeses Pieces, Skor Bar, M&M's.
but you could also use Sugar Daddy(couldn't find one of those dang!) Blow Pops, Mounds, hershey Kisses, Laffy Taffy, Mars Bar, etc.
This was fun, and I was trying to put it together while he was working on something else and kept coming around- he couldnt figure out why i was so grumpy--- uh yeah, walking in on my surprises in action is one of his habits I swear!
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