09 February 2010


Haight Ashbury, but I call it Hashbury as a joke.  Daughter and I headed to Haight after she took a class at the conservatory.  It turned out to be a very interesting afternoon.  Although there are many things far from normal on this street its always amazing what can occur anyways.
As we are walking down the street, I see someone out of the corner of my eye with a camera.  What I realize is he's taking pictures of my daughter.  Not discreetly mind you but quite blatantly. So I look over at him, and he gives me what my mother would have called a "shit eating grin", the one you know your not doing something right- exactly but prove its wrong- grin.  So we continue to the corner. while we are waiting for the light several times he keeps trying to get photos, so I have to almost stare at him to keep him at bay.
I ask my daughter about this guy and if she noticed, and she says yeah, but usually they aren't so blatant.  I'm startled at this comment, What?  "During the summer when we come here on Saturdays, they do that,  but they are more discreet, I've learned to ignore it," she says.
Well OK, this isn't new to her, but it is to me, and what the heck is happening with those photos?
So then we head down to the street to Mendel's' Far out fabrics and art supplies.  I love this store, its full of all kinds of things in a rather small space.  There is so much tucked in there, you have to wonder if they even know everything that is there.  But we did find some Bamboo & silk blend yarn that has a phenomenal hand to it.  So I picked up three different balls to play with. We proceeded up and down the block, hitting most of the stores with recycled clothing, shoes, and other goods.  We hit the Goodwill store, and I find the perfect small table that I've been looking for  at home, and there is no way this will go into my carry on luggage.  So perfect find left behind....But it was a rather fun afternoon with my daughter. 

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