This is a man who brews beer for the joy of the end product, recreating tastes he remembers from England. He does what is expected of him because he is conscientious and responsible for his family. He is a loving and gentle father, who has a daughter who wants nothing but praise from her daddy.

So imagine the surprise of our friends as we set around a table sharing dinner and tasting wines as a night fun, when the conversation began to be heated at his end of the table.
Suddenly he was slamming the table to get the attention of those he was conversing with, to get their attention and make his point, that he wanted to be heard! Several times he was banging the table, as wine classes shook and plates jumped. I know this man, I've seen this a few times over the years, but its rarely shared out side of the work place. I know this man can be strong and create a sense of dread at work. He's often sent to straighten out problems, he co-chairs a world committee for FAA requirements. He is not a push over, although, some may think so. I loved that he shared that side of himself to our friends. These are friends we've had ranging from 30 to recent years. It was amazing to see their responses.

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