So It's all those little things that start to make a difference. Now that the big stuff is mostly unpacked, you start thinking about those little things, the nik naks, the photos, the things that make your home look like you. Those are the boxes that are still kind of in limbo unpacked with the I'm not sure where you should go notes.
They are also the things I long for the most.
I finally found a shelf with coat hooks to put by the front door. It's black, and I want to paint it white or aqua and antique it. But my husband hung it for me and I didn't even ask and THAT was pretty exciting. I want to put a small bench under it to sit and put on your shoes - because we are typically a shoes off house. Also
I'm still searching for a piece to put on the opposite wall to collect things like keys, and mail, and store a few items in.
I'm really needing to use my sewing/craft room but its a box factory. no room to walk.....also my biggest project for sure as part of moving in. It's so much easier to pick something else than go in there and try to figure out what to do. I have half the space of my old room. But I don't have half the stuff -ha ha. Jokes on me, even though I weeded through a lot of it before moving. Hmm those ideas I have for making things and selling them? I better start doing something about it, so I can clean out some it.
Well that's a little on what is happening at the new house. Pictures are do soon, maybe in the next post.
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