04 December 2009

collage applications

I do believe that Colleges especially colleges that have art conservatory programs have it out for the parents.  Not only do you have to get your child to fill out the information and write and essay or and artist statement, but you have to have same said student make up a dvd portfolio of their work performed, followed by choreographed work they have created.  And you think  you have it all covered, when you have to schedule an audition that of course is no where near your home town.  So my last fews weeks have been consumed with getting my daughter to meet these requirements and follow thru entirely.  Since U.S schools aren't her first choice of career college, but wishes to go to UK or EU, its quite difficult to get her to do this.  But as soon as these were turned in, she had no problem looking up the data needed to apply to those schools.  AMAZING!!!!! the mother says sarcastically. 

We had our last Thanksgiving in this house provided things go as planned this up coming year.  It was interesting and full of the usually family antics.  It was our first one with out Gordon's mother, which was sad, but we had invited another family over which changed the schematics anyways.  I figure this is likely the last year my daughter will be home for Thanksgiving for the next few years, very likely anyways.

Being a person who sews, i'm getting my fair share of requests of "can you sew this for me?" I don't mind if I'm organized and rested.  Not sewing for the ballet company is phenomenal!  I cant tell you how much stress that put on my self and my family.  I'm waiting for the labels to come in so I can finish my items for my etsy shop.  I'm impatiently wait to get this going full time. 

Well hopefully we will get some Christmas decorations up, this weekend.  The big question is do we set up the enormous 9 ft artificial tree we have or get a small fresh cut, or even a norfolk pine that will add green to our home all year.  I miss the smell of the fresh cut evergreen, like the ease of the artificial, and always appreciate more green in my home.

I did get out the first batch of Christmas cards. I have about 15 more to do, and will be done.  I use to make all my cards, or take photos ro send, but this year, i just wanted to get out the cards so i purchased cards, no photos, no long christmas letters.  Just short and sweet with small personal notes.  It was rather refressing to get this done early instead of my annual rush to get them out by New Years.  My next item is to work on creating a few traditional treats, that i haven't had time to make in over 4 years.  Moving out to this house was suppossed to make more time, but somehow it made less time and more work.  It was definitely my dream house- but i know what i like now and will defintely make sure those things can be created in the next home i have.

Well here's to a busy weekend, joy to all of you.

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