i fluctuate between being a horder ( which my spouse would easily confirm) and a tosser. i'm sentimental and hold onto so many things that i might want to revisit someday, or think my daughter might want to have in the future. i love looking at photo albums, and cards that my mother saved (example congratulations from my own birth, birthday cards for years and years, newspaper articles, etc) these things have some kind of merit to them for history at least. Then theres the sewing and craft hording. i used to save every scrap of fabric, or any item that could be used for craft project. When i was an avid rubber stamper, i went around looking for things to stamp on, or to decorate a card or box. I have boxes, of balloons, dum dum suckers (they make great little add ons for birthday cards and packages) charms,buttons, ribbons, tiny pom poms for reindeer noses on cards, etc. You name it, i probably have some of it stashed. When ever i go to these drawers and think i should clean a bit out - forget it. i no longer hold the same love for my precious rubberstamp collection. i have over time sold many of them, and one day I took a whole box to goodwill store. Other times, i think oh this was one of my favorites and i made so much with it i cant possibly get rid of it. i am faced with the fact that i truly need to get rid of about 1000 stamps. This means deciding which ones will go to new homes. Ugh. i hate the decision process choosing which stamp will be able to stay, and which ones will adventure to someone elses collection.
This extends over to my fabric collection as well. i finally allowed myself to put a few pieces that were good sized remnants left over from making curtains, and a few home dec projects for sale in a garage sale we had. No thoughts about it, UNTIL the pieces left for new homes. Sudden thoughts of i should have kept that i could still use it. i'm not selling it for enough. Oh my, this is how it goes. So yes in reality i have a huge fabric stash, and i'm suppossed to go thru my mother in laws stash- which by far she had more than i do - as she's a quilter, and has tons of pieces put aside- in fact three separate dressers full. its daunting, because my mind says oh these are special, she chose them and planned on using them or did use them. We cant get rid of this, it means something. But in reality i know, i cant possibly keep all of it. So sad, back to that decision process. i need to head over to the house she shared with my father in law, and work some more on her quilt. Set up on the long arm it fills a room that is about 14 ft long, and i keep having to walk around from one side to the other. i'm not so afraid of the machine anymore, but its not something i feel in charge of yet.
By the time i do, we will probably sell the machine. i dont think my father in law wants to store it indefinitely, and i dont quilt enough to make owning this monsterous machine worthwhile. And although its been suggested by a dear friend that i keep it and make a buisness of quiliting others quilts for them, i dont think thats for me. i would hate to mess up someone elses piece of work, and the stress would be too much. So these thoughts on hording are related to the clutter accumulated in my sewing & craft room. i'm not a neatnick by anymeans-i'm one of those artist that goes from one project to another sometimes within minutes of finishing one, so i may not clean up my space for at least 5-6 projects. Yes it is and can be scary, i usually have a good idea where something is, but should anyone move any item, things shift and then things disappear. Oh my. My loving spouse refers to it as my "black hole." i'm hoping i can declutter my space some soon. in order to work, dream and imagine, i need some clear thinking space instead of the clutter that crowds my room and seeps into brain. The one thing about having a dedicated space for sewing/crafting is you can close the door and leave, and its not until you come back that your faced with whatever you left behind- this can be good and bad, as one is never forced to clean up until you can no longer wade through. Coming soon, pictures of mom's quilt on the quilter as i work to finish it.
Glad to hear you're working on it. I look forward to photos of the finished project!