13 June 2010

Taking a little break

I'm going to take a little break for a weak or two from blogging.  Things are complicated, and I find myself wanting to complain about more than one situation so its best to not focus on those things. I hope all is going well for you my readers.  I will be back soon when I've worked thru some issues.
Take Care.

02 June 2010

Arghh! Neighbors!!

In part of selling our home, our realtor ask us to take our cars out of the driveway so it looks bigger when the house is being shown.  So Monday the holiday we moved it to across the street.  Our street only has parking on one side and it often comes about that those people who have the parking side, think its all theirs. So yesterday I got a call that I would again be showing the house today, so I did not move the truck.  Mean while my "new neighbors" called the local police rather than come over and ask us to move it.  Its not like we leave it there every day, or try to for that fact. So I'm sure they will have their car out there as soon as possible, because they have  three cars and 3 car tandem garage like ours, which can be a bit confining.  Our garage has no car but has our toys; jet ski and camping trailer along with all the boxes we already have packed to move. 
Now I'm expecting that the same people will call the police on us Saturday when we have our party as well. I will leave a note on their door informing them, but I will be damned if I'm going to invite them. I just don't get it.  When did people quit actually talking to their neighbors? Yes we do have a 24 limit on street parking without moving, but its not usually a problem. I have to say that half this neighborhood is stuck up, and think they are so much better than everyone else.  It's just one more reason I want the hell out of here.  Just because you move into a neigborhood that is expensive doesn't make you "better" than others.  And I figure what goes around comes around one, of these days they will be getting a phone call about their car or some other violation of the code.  I really could care less, and just wish people would try to get along.

01 June 2010

It's Party time!

I love when it comes around to Memorial Day weekend because it signals party time for summer.  We had the most cold and rainy three day weekend but it was not dry for entertainment. 
Friday was my birthday and my lovely daughter created a Lemon masterpiece that was  high on taste, and a little less on looks, but as she reminded me that its TASTE that counts and presentation is just a side benefit.
My man and I headed to a wine bar in Issaquah where a friend was playing for the evening- kind of a classic rock genre- where we had appetizers and wine with  friends.

This Saturday is our own party for our daughters graduation from high school, going away party, my b-day, and fathers day.  It becomes and open house.  We have another friend who will be playing music, his genre is Celtic rock and rock.  He writes an abundance of music, and sings with a sweet voice, plays several instruments. He's the one man deal. 

We have somewhere between about 20 and 40 or so people attending.   So, much of my week will be putting things together in preparation.  These are always fun events but take a fair amount of preparation. 

Our house is still on the market, and I'm hoping that no one wants to look at the house Saturday afternoon or early Sunday morning. If they do, well...I'm not sure what will happen. We had one viewing on Memorial day and it wasn't really happy for us.  Assuming that people would have come sat or sun but not on the actual holiday.  Oh well- that's part of selling.