OK so note that the closet doors are closed. That's because its really not that interesting in there. Some storage cases, and a place to hang rulers etc. but not much else worth showing you. When I move, I plan on having and extremely organized space in what ever closet is there. I have my large sewing machine with embroidery unit set on my main table. to the right you can't see to well is my serger. I like being able to just turn from one direction to the other to use serger and sewing machine.

The mannequin has a skirt draped on it. It was wearable muslin for some costumes I worked on. It needs the hem shortened so my daughter can wear it. Its a great weight for summer, light weight.
The photo on the left here, shows my sewing table. I got it from a fabric store that went out of business. I love this table its absolutely huge. It has two yardsticks embedded in the top, and about 8 inches either side of those for length. And its so wide. 60 inch fabric is easy to measure and cut here. that's my 3 rd mannequin sitting on top. Its hard to keep the top of this clean, as its so huge, you can move stuff off to the back or side and still have plenty of room. It also has two sets of deep shelves that I have fabric folded on for projects.
the photo on the right, shows my jester mask from Venice. it was given to me as appreciation gift for sewing many years for a dance company. My basket of yarn with current project is also sitting on th table.

There are my other two mannies. the smaller one I've always called Babbette the ballerina, as that's what I bought her for. the other one, I bought to make plus size clothes for me, but it really isn't right where the bust falls from the waist so I'm going to sell it and buy a different one.. I love the windows in this room.
Its pouring rain outside, so I didn't really go for a view shot but you can look out at Mt Si on good day. and its always light. Plus when we moved in I had extra lights put in the ceiling and also the closets.
Well its not too exciting overall but its been a good room to create in. I will miss its qualities when I have to move.